Download your Comfy on Camera Guide here!

It's time to move from Back Stage Business Owner to Centre Stage Business Leader!

Want to make more of an impact online and scale your business? You've taken the time to learn all the online strategies you need but if you can't speak well on camera, well what's the point?! It's time to up your game, stop hiding and move from fear to FUN on camera to finally bring in the income you've always dreamed of!

Start Your Journey Here

Get comfy on camera!

I believe confidence on camera is THE vital skill you need in your business! What would your business presence be like if you didn't hate your voice or feel so uncomfortable speaking online? It’s finally time to unlock your true voice power so that you can shine on screen and finally scale your business AND your income!

The Finally Get Comfy on Camera Challenge!

So the thought of feeling comfortable on camera seems an impossible dream? You know it would all be ok if you could just, simply, get comfortable on camera!!!  Well you can and fast!! Join my next 'Finally Get Comfy on Camera' Challenge Coming Soon! Register below!


 Recent Challenger said after only Day 1 

"I’m out of the negative (Comfy on Camera Factor) and into the positive!”

Join the challenge!

1:1 Love Your Voice & Camera Confidence Coaching Programme!

If you have been avoiding going live, take forever to do so when you do, worry you are going to forget what to say, worry no one is watching, worry if someone is watching, hate your voice, hate feeling so not you on camera, really feel uncomfortable on camera, can't watch yourself on video and are just wishing this would all be a lot easier or just go away then this is for you!!!

A unique and impactful 3 month  practical camera confidence coaching programme to finally move you from fear to FUN on camera!!!  Yes, it is possible!!

Join Now!!!! Limited Places!

Be Your Own Business Celebrity!!

The brilliant Be Your Own Business Celebrity! Masterclass Series will be back for another jam-packed AMAZING event soon!  Meanwhile look out for my Be Your Own Business Celebrity! TV Show on This Is It TV Network! 

Unlock your Voice Power and truly BE the Star You Are!

I want to help you :)

Get your 'From Fear to FUN!' Get Comfy on Camera Guide now!!!

About Me..

Hello I'm Julia!  I know how you feel...nervous, shy, and hugely uncomfortable about being on screen... Why? Because I have felt the same!  But I believe everyone deserves to be heard and that my friend, includes me, AND YOU!!!  I'm here to help :)

I'm a ex BBC Director & Live TV Producer used to producing presenters and celebrities on tv and for the last decade I've been working as a Confident Speaker Coach.  I am a Roger Love Method Certified Master Coach specialising in Vocal Revival & Stamina. I have a thirst to help take you to the next level of your business with a huge helping of fun and encouragement all the way!  I truly want to help you to come out of hiding, shine on camera and become your very own Business Celebrity!

Join the Finally Get Comfy on Camera Challenge!!!

A fun, fast and furious 4 day practical challenge to get you showing up on camera without the fear, discomfort or squeamishness!!


Book me to speak at your virtual conference or event!

Choose from my keynote speeches on:

 * Be The Star You Are - how to to become a confident online presenter for your business!

*Be Your Own Business Celebrity!

* From Fear to FUN!  Banishing the fear of speaking up once and for all!


Book me now!

Join My Mailing List and Get Your FREE "Comfy on Camera Guide!'

Start your #ConfidentSpeaker Journey Now!


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